“The world’s glaciers are melting. But exactly how much ice is disappearing, and at what rate? Satellite data is helpful, but field measurements are still essential. Here’s how researchers hit the ice to understand its fate—and the widespread implications for sea-level rise.” – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Role: Editing

“Despite their impressive displays, the eruptions of active volcanoes, especially remote ones situated far away from seismic instruments, can be hard to detect. But recent studies suggest that a different kind of electrical discharge—one generated near the base of a volcanic plume and nowhere else—could provide researchers with a heads-up that an eruption has commenced.” – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Role: Editor

“In late January 2020, as researchers began to assess the threat posed by COVID-19, the CDC released a now-familiar illustration of the SARS-CoV-2 virus particle: A textured grey sphere with menacing red spikes spread out evenly across its surface. That depiction quickly became the public face of a global menace. But even as the image achieved iconic status, artists and scientific illustrators continued to create new, updated images and animations based on the emerging data. As new variants emerge and the pandemic evolves, they’re still using their science insights and artistic sensibilities to tell a story about a virus that’s wreaked havoc across the globe.” – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Role: Editor