Plastic, Plastic Everywhere!

Plastic trash

We must do more to keep plastics out of the environment. From floating “islands” of plastic garbage that collect in the gyres of our oceans (Read more) to bits of plastic bags I find in the sediment that comes up with my anchor, plastic is a huge problem. Aside from the fact that seabirds, turtles, and other animals mistake plastic items for food and die while trying to digest them – tiny particles of plastic pose a major environmental hazard. Plastic does not break down (decompose) over time, rather it breaks into smaller and smaller particles that that act like little sponges soaking up mercury and other toxic chemicals in our oceans (Read More). These little particles are eaten by tiny animals that are eaten by small fish, that are eaten by larger fish, that are finally eaten by us – giving us doses of the toxins that accumulate in our bodies over time. Additionally, these same toxins impact the ability of fish to reproduce, thus contributing to shortages of wild-caught seafood.

Location: Onboard Sérénité, Mill Creek, Annapolis MD, United States North America
Altitude: 0.1 m

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